目的:总结针药结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的选穴用药规律。方法:收集近11年针药结合治疗PCOS的文献,利用Excel软件建立处方数据库,采用SPSS 17.0和clementine 12.0软件对数据进行频次分析、关联规则分析和聚类分析。结果:使用频率最高的前4位穴位和药物分别为关元、三阴交、中极、肾俞,当归、菟丝子、熟地黄、茯苓;关联规则分析显示穴位与药物相关性最高的是三阴交-肾俞-当归;聚类分析得出核心穴位与药物组合群7个。结论:本研究总结出针药结合治疗PCOS的临床选穴用药常用组合规律,为临床针药结合治疗PCOS提供了思路。
Objective: To excavate the rule of acupoint and medicine selection for polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) treated by acupuncture and medicine. Methods: The literatures of treating PCOS with acupuncture and medicine were collected during the last 11 years. Excel software was used to establish prescription database. SPSS 17.0 and clementine 12.0 software were used for the frequency analysis, association rule analysis and clustering analysis. Results: The top four acupionts and herbs with the highest frequency of application were Guanyuan(CV4), Sanyinjiao(SP6), Zhongji(CV3), Shenshu(BL23) and Danggui, Tusizi, Shudihuang, Fuling. The association rule analysis showed that Sanyinjiao(SP6)- Shenshu(BL23)- Danggui had the highest correlativity between acupoints and herbs. The clustering analysis figured out the 7 core clustering groups. Conclusion: This study has summed up the common combination rule of acupoints and medicines selection for PCOS, treated by acupuncture and medicine, which provides the thought for treating PCOS with acupuncture and medicine.