记述了采自中国河南省太行山区和福建光泽的叶蜂科粘叶蜂属1新种:半环粘叶蜂Caliroa semicincta Wei, sp. nov. .该新种与欧洲种C. annulipes(Klug, 1814)比较近似,但后足胫节基部3/5和基跗节基部4/7白色,触角第3节等长于端部4节之和,前翅2r脉等长于Rs脉第4段,锯腹片锯刃内外侧均具2枚明显的亚基齿,刃间膜等宽于锯刃,并明显鼓起,节缝剌毛带很宽,最宽处等宽于带间距等,与后者不同。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学模式昆虫标本室。
The research of the genus Caliroa is briefly reviewed. A new sawfly species of Caliroinae, Caliroa semicincta Wei, sp. nov., is described from China. Type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Caliroa semicincta Wei, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-5) Body length in female 4.8 mm, male unknown. This species is close to C. annulipes (Klug, 1814) from Europe, but differs from the latter in the hind tibia with basal 3/5 and the hind tarsus with basal 4/7 white, the third antennal segment as long as the apical 4 segments together, the vein 2r in forewing as long as the fourth part of vein Rs, the serrulae each with 2 inner and 2 outer subbasal teeth, the membranous part between two middle serrulae convex and as broad as breadth of a serrula, the annular spine band quite broad with the broadest part of the band as broad as distance between two annular spine bands (in C. annulipes the hind tibia with about basal 1/3 and the hind tarsus with basal 1/2 white, the third antennal segment distinctly shorter than the apical 4 segments together, the vein 2r in forewing 2 times as long as the fourth part of vein Rs, the serrulae each with 1 inner and 2-3 outer subbasal teeth, the membranous part between two middle serrulae low and only half as broad as breadth of a serrula, the annular spine band narrow with the broadest part of the band also only half as broad as distance between two annular spine bands). The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology. Holotype:♀ Baligou, Huixian County, Henan Province, 950 m, 13-Ⅶ-2002, coll. JIANG Ji-gang; Paratype: 1♀, Gunagze County, Fujian Province, 200-300 m, 25-Ⅳ-1960, coll. JIN Gen-tao, LIN Yang-ming.