By means of typical spot samples,78 soil spots were chosen in Yingwugou watershed.The contents of soil nutrient were determined for each soil sample of 4 different soil depths.Both traditional and geostatistics methods were applied to analyze TN in 4 different soil depths.The results indicated that TN contents(mean,maximum,minimum) were all A1A2A3A4.With the increasing of depths,the TN content reduced.The Kriging interpolation shown that the TN from A1 to A4 changed from small patches to large patches and the range of total nitrogen became smaller.The TN content was farmlandoak landvegetable yieldgrass landpine land bamboo land in A1.Total organic nitrogen was the main part in total nitrogen with the average percentage as high as 90% above.Soil C/N of the agricultural land was smaller than that of the forest.Aspect and TN in A1,A2 and A3 shown remarkable relevance.The TN content was up slopesunny slopeshady slopeflat area.