Nutrients, such as N and P, are not only the essential element of plants and animals, but also the resource and factor of environmental pollution. Irrational nutrient management would lead to the nutrition disorder and environmental problems. Based on the research results of our group and literatures, the properties of nutrient utilization in China and the progress of nutrient management research were analyzed and the keystone of future research in China was suggested. In China, the crop production is mainly depended on the input of fertilizer nutrients and the nutrient use efficiency is very low. The nutrients in organic material, soil and environment are not sufficiently utilized. The flux and emission to environment of nutrients in food chain will increase rapidly in future with the development of economy and society in China. In the international study of nutrient management, the research network was paid more attention to filed level, and the policy and legislation of nutrient management was strengthened at regional and national level. The keystone of nutrient management research in China will be the nutrient flow in field, regional and national scale and its regulation in food chain system.