Based on the ^15 N tracer method, nitrogen transmission in the primary stolons of the clonal plant Zoysia japonica was studied in a greenhouse. Two types of concentrations of ^15NH4^+ and ^15NO3^- solutions were introduced into the multiple-node roots at different growing stages. Result showed that δ^15N values in the leaves, roots and stolons of the multiple-node at the feeding sites were usually the highest, and then decreased linearly towards both basal and distal directions with the liner as the dominance. When ^15N was introduced from the basal multiple-node, the decrease rate of δ^15N in the primary stolons was higher than those from the middle multiple-node. When ^15N was introduced from the distal multiple-node roots, the multiple-node at apex as "strong sinks" acquired more ^15N than elder multiple-node. When two types of eoncentrations of ^15N were introduced into the multiple-node roots respectively, the corresponding transloeation patterns in the primary stolons were different. When higher concentrations of ^15N were introduced, 15N tended to be transloeated farther in the primary stolons, but when lower concentrations of ^15N were introduced, ^15N tended to be translocated to the leaves of the multipie-node at the feeding sites meeting their growing needs. ^15 NH4^+ and ^15 NO3^- transmission features were generally similar in the primary stolons of Z. japonica, but it showed preference to ^15NH4^+.