Sergey B. Alekseev was bom in Tomsk, Russia, in November 15, 1950. He graduated from the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building in 1982. Since 1972 he has worked at the Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. In 2001, he joined the Labo~tory of Optical Radiation of IHCE. His research interests arc high-voltage nanosecond and accelerating technique and power supplies. Mikhail I. Lomaev was born in Tomsk region, Russia, in November 13, 1960. He received the M.S. degree in plasma physics from Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, in 1983 and the Ph.D. degree and the D.Sc. degree in optics from the Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia, in 1992, and 201 I, respectively. Since 1983, he had been a graduate employee, junior re- searcher, post graduate student, researcher. He is currently a senior researcher of the Laboratory of Optical Radiation at 1HCE. Since 1998 he had been an Assistant Professor, and since 2012 he has been a Professor of the Physics Department at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. He was awarded for the development of discharge excimer lasers (1986), excimer lamps (1999-2005), achievements in science and education by the Tomsk Region Administra- tion (2003). His research interests ,are in gas discharge sources of spontaneous and stimulated emission radiation, optics, and physics of gas discharg~ and generation of runaway electrons. Dmitri' V: R.vbka was born in Tomsk, Russia, in October 07, 1978. He received the M.S. degree in engineering of optoelec- trunic devices and systems fi'oru the Radiophysics Department of the Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, in 2001 and the Ph.D. degree in optics fforu the Institute of High Current Electronics. Tomsk, Russia, ill 2010. Since 2001, he has been a graduate employee, post graduate student, and is now a junior researcher of Laboratory of Optical Radiation of the Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia. His research interests are in gas discharge sourc