In the context of China,big data strategy of letters visits,which is the further development of the on-line letters visits,is helpful to identify the common and trend issues in social governance. As well,it serves the Party and the government's decision-making in a scientific way,and facilitate the letters visits system to play the role of understanding the people,focusing on the people's wisdom,protecting the people's welfare,and uniting the people. The governance of letters visits driven by big data is the transcendence of the online letters visits. In order to realize the goal,it is important to promote data open between governmental agencies,reduce the sensitivity of relevant research,and make the letters visits system more transparent. At the policy level,it is necessary to develop the data exchange and sharing between Letters Visits Bureau and other agencies,the cooperation with research units,and out-sourcing service in big data analysis. Governance of letters visits driven by big data can not only change the form of letters and visits,but also better the function of letters visits. It provides new possibilities for reform of the letters visits by jumping out the discussion of abolishment of letters visits in the theoretical research.