Under the reign of the Emperor Wu of the western Han dynasty,the crown prince Liu Ju(刘据) was accused of conducting cursing activities and compelled to start apalace coup,but he ended up in a total failure and committed suicide.The later researches,however,defended Liu Ju against the cursing activities by saying that it was apolitical frame-up by Jiang Chong(江充) and Liu Ju was innocent.The paper argues that Liu Ju was not as innocent as some of the researchers assumed.Firstly,in the western Han dynasty,as long as the object of the cursing was not the emperor,the cursing activities were not considered as crimes.Secondly,Han Shutruthfully recorded the process of the discovery of the cursing dolls in the crown prince's palace.Jiang Chong just took advantage of the fear inside the Emperor Wu in order to get rid of Liu Ju.The Emperor Wu's intention to change the crown prince was the trigger for this severe palace coup.