以结构化拓扑为基础,采用CAN(content addressable network)协议,提出了一种新的云计算网络路由算法。该算法以M-CRP技术为基础,改进传统CAN协议,组网时在物理上相近的节点会处于逻辑上相邻的位置;相应的路由机制也对物理拓扑结构给予充分的考虑,优先考虑物理临近并且通信成本较低的节点;自适应机制网络状态不断变化,M-CRP-CAN(multiple-CDN-based relative network positioning)在组网、路由、自适应等机制都有较强底层物理拓扑结构感知性。实验表明,算法能够提高数据的交换效率,减少了网络中不必要的跨域流量,减少骨干链路的负载,提高了云计算网络性能。
Based on the traditional CRP mechanism,a new mechanism called M-CRP which is more adapt to the cloud computer mechanism was advanced.Based on traditional CAN,a new mechanism called M-CRP-CAN which make full use of M-CRP and make not only the CAN framework structure award of the physical location of nodes was advanced,but also the routing mechanism give more thought about the physical topology.The self-adaption can make the M-CRP-CAN has more ability to change according to the net status.In network simulation platform,the experimental results show that M-CRP's performance is better than CRP in aspect of efficiency and precision.This M-CRP improves CRP from aspect of efficiency,precision and performance with multi-level mechanism,which make the node in cloud,has more perception to the underlying topology.In the meantime the M-CRP-CAN with M-CRP approach has realized localization download and greatly raised the data transfer rate,reduced the cross-traffic in backbone network and improve the network performance therefore enhance cloud computing system efficiency.