1引言 一般的,我们在求解非线性方程的根时,利用最多的是迭代法,其迭代效果也各不一样[1-4].通常,我们在构造非线性方程求根的迭代方法有Newton迭代算法、Halley迭代算法和割线法等,而Newton迭代格式构造简单且收敛速度较快,又被认为是求解一般非线性方程根的最常用方法.
Pade approximation is an important aspect of rational approximation which has important applications in many fields. This paper presents a few new iterative algorithms for solving nonlinear equations by using [1/n]-Pade approximations and Taylor series expansion, and the convergence of the iterative algorithms is then analyzed. Numerical examples are given to show that the new formulas have higher convergence orders than the Newton iterative formula, avoid divergence and have better practicability and stability.