A Mendelsohn triple system of order v with index 3, briefly by MTS(v,3), is a pair (X, B), where X is a v-set and Bis a eolleetion of cyclie triples on X such that every ordered pair of X belongs to exactly 3 cyclic triples of 2.. A M TS(v,3) without repeated blocks is called pure and denoted by PMTS( v ,3) if ( x, y, z) ∈Bimplies ( z, y, x) B. A large set of disjoint PMTS( v ,3), denoted by LPMTS( v ,3), is a collection t ( X ,Bi) }i, such that each ( X ,Bi) is a PMTS( v ,3), and U Bi is a partition of all cyclic triples on X. In this paper, we give a construction for LPMTS( v ,3), and obtain an infinite family for the existence of LPM T S( v, 3):for any v ≡8,14(mod 18), v ≠ 14, there exists an LPMTS(v,3).