近年来,我国LED产业发展非常迅速,LED应用也越来越广泛,但是目前我国针对LED没有统一的测试方法和指标,测试时即使大家使用相同的仪器设备测试同一个样品,由于测试条件的不同也可能造成测试结果大相径庭。本文主要探讨使用德国Instrument Systems公司的CAS140CT快速光谱仪进行LED光学性能测试时,不同的测试条件如暗电流、积分时间、平均次数等设置的不同,对测试结果造成的影响。
Recently LED industry develops very quickly in our country, and its applications are more and more widespread. But In present stage, the standard test method and request have not been enacted for LED in our country. Even if testing the same sample using the same instruments, the test results are maybe distinct on account of the different test condition. The study places emphasis on researching the effect of the test results under the different condition such when using the German as the different setting of dark current, integration time, averaging CAS140CT spectrometer.