Based on a sample of 147 primary students from third-grade through sixth-grade, the present study aimed to explore whether trust level of participants was affected when interpersonal property of the trustee was different. The study collected pariticipants' responses to bargaining game by questionnare to measure their trust. Each participant was asked to decide how to distribute chocolates between he or she and a stranger/ a student from a different class/ a student from the same class/ close friend. According to participants' choice, participants would be coded to be trustful or distrustful. The results showed that: (1) more participants were not willing to trust a stranger, a student from a different class, but willing to trust their close friend; (2) the higher pariticipants' grade were, the more pariticipants which trustde a student from the same class were; (3) there was a significant difference in gender: boys more distrusted a student from a different class than girls, and girls more trusted a student from the same class than boys.