Due to the difficulty in association and estimation of multitarget track in the presence of data association uncer tainty, clutter, noise and missdetection, a fuzzy clustering based algorithm for track continuity in probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a multistep prediction of current target states is made, and then the weighted labels are assigned to them according to the inertia. Secondly, the fuzzy membership degrees of the current state estimates belonging to the tracks are obtained with the maximum entropy fuzzy clustering. Finally, the tracks are maintained by the use of all the information. Different from the traditional estimatetotrack association,the proposed algorithm does not update the track information by simply summing the log likelihood ratios between adjacent frames,but takes the entire multiframe information into account by the opera t.ions such as weighting and clustering. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can maintain target tracks more accu rately, even when the targets cross each other, implying strong robustness and excellent performance of track continuity.