基于磁阻尼控制原理,设计了一种自发电的高空缓降救生器,并利用AVR单片机开发了相应的控制系统。人体下降时,钢丝绳通过齿轮增速传动机构,带动发电机转子做切割磁力线的高速旋转运动并发出电能。光电式速度传感器测量人体下降速度,智能控制系统根据测量结果自动调节功率电阻的阻值变化实现对发电机绕组线圈的电流控制,达到改变发电机的磁阻尼的效果。功率电阻将电能转换成热能而耗散,减小了势能向动能的转化,从而实现对缓降速度的控制。最后利用救生器样机进行了50 kg负载缓降实验研究,结果表明,缓降速度可在较宽的范围内进行调节,取得了很好的缓降控制效果。
A high-rise building slow-down rescue apparatus which can generate electricity by itself has been designed based on the magnetic damping controlling theory,and a controlling system based on the rescue apparatus has been developed by using the AVR microcomputer unit(MCU).When the human body fell from the high-rise building with the steel string,the velocity would be transmitted to the rotor of the electric generator by the speed-up gears,and then made it rotate with high speed to cut the magnetic inductive line to generate electricity.The falling velocity of the human body was measured by a photoelectric sensor and the measured data was inputted into the AVR MCU,and then the intelligent controlling system would automatically adjust the resistance value variety of the power resistance according to the measured results suitably to control the current flowing through the coils in the electric generator,and the magnetic damping of the electric generator could be controlled.With the power resistance,the electric energy could be transmitted to the thermal energy and scattered into the air,which meant that the transformation from the potential energy to the kinetic energy would be decreased,thus the falling velocity of the human body could be controlled.The experimental study on a prototype of the slow-down rescue apparatus with a 50kg loading has been carried out.The results showed that the slow-down falling velocity could be adjusted in a wide range and the slow-down controlling effect was very good.