为探测PAT酶长期胁迫下小鼠遗传多态性的变化,应用AFLP技术对饲喂转Bar基因抗除草剂稻谷子二代( F2)小鼠遗传多态性进行了研究.36只体重18~22 g的F2代小鼠分为实验组( Z2)和对照组( C2),分别饲喂转Bar基因稻谷Bar68-1和非转基因稻谷D68.每组3个重复,每个重复6只小鼠,雌雄各半.6对引物组合扩增出108个AFLP条带,其中多态性条带占25.9%.在聚类图上Z2组肝脏和小肠样品与C2组肝脏和小肠样品有微小差异,但差异不明显.结果表明,PAT对小鼠肝脏和小肠的DNA多态性没有明显影响.
In order to study the influence of long-period PAT force on genetic polymorphism of mice ( Mus mus-culus) , the genetic polymorphism of the second filial generation ( F2 ) mice fed with of Bar-transgenic rice were ana-lyzed.Thirty-six Mus musculus in a SPF grade of F2 mice (20 ±2 g), half male and half female, were randomly di-vided into one experimental group (Group Z2, fed with rice Bar68-1)and one control group (Group C2, fed with rice D68) with three replications per group and six mice per replication .Using 6 pairs of AFLP primers , a total of 108 bands were amplified , of which 28(25.9%) were polymorphic .There was a tiny difference between liver and small intestine samples of Group Z 2 and Group C2 based on dendrogram , but the difference was not obvious .The results in-dicate that the influence of long-period PAT force on genetic polymorphism of mice (Mus musculus) is insignificant.