针对我国500 m球面射电望远镜天线(FAST),提出了一体化天文轨迹规划;给出了详细的数学模型及推导分析。相对于当前采用的FAST轨迹规划,该方法使得馈源位置和反射面位置的控制误差可以相互补偿。指出当馈源系统和反射面系统具有相同的测控延迟误差时,并不影响FAST天线的性能。
The integration astronomical trace of five-hundred-meter-aperture spherical radio telescope(FAST) was first presented.The mathematical model,derivation and analysis was provided in detail.It had advantage over the FAST current adopted astronomical trace on two facts.The one was that the control error can be mutual offset between the feed-supporting system and active reflector system,and in another,there was no effect on the FAST telescope capability if the same delay error occurred between feed-supporting control system and the active reflector system.