From two aspects of ontology and epistemology, Kripke demonstrated that "the standard meter in Paris" is a contingent a prior proposition. With the relationship between the words and the world as the breakthrough point, Zhang Haipeng refuted kripke' s contingent a prior propositions. Chen Bo analyzed and demonstrated that Kripke proofed the propositions were not the appropriate examples of contingent a prior propositions. Long Xiaoping in-depth analyzed two reasons for contingent a prior propositions establishing, and retorted the view that "The standard meter in Paris is one meter long" is neither a contingent proposition nor a prior proposition. Liu Yetao analyzed "the standard meter in Paris" under what circumstances was a prior proposition, and pointed out that although "the standard meter in Paris" as an example of a contingent a pri- or proposition was inappropriate. KriDke's nersDective of contingent a Prior Dronositions are still correct.