Two insecticides containing malathion and carbaryl were used to evaluate the possible effects of these compounds on the expression of CYP4G62, CYP6EL1 and CYP9AQ1 in Locusta migratoria as assessed by Real time PCR. LDsodoses of both insecticides significantly increased the expression of CYP4G62 and CYP6EL1 compared to the control, but there was no significantly difference between treatments and control at LD10 doses. Exposure of insects to three, sublethal, pesticide doses was followed by a significant, dose dependent increase in the relative expression of cYPgAQ1, but the increase in gene expression decreased with increasing pesticide concentration. Treatment with carbaryl only increased the relative expression of CYP4G62 at LD30, but had no effect on the other P450 genes. LD15 was selected for a time effect experiment in which relative gene expression was measured at 6 , 12 , 24 and 48 h. After treatment with malathion at LD15, the relative expressions of CYP6EL1 and CYP9AQ1 were significantly reduced at 12 and 24 h, whereas there was no change in the expression of CYP4G62. The relative expression of all three genes was unaffected by different duration of exposure to earbaryl. The results indicate that malathion, but not carbaryl, may stimulate the relative expression of all three P450 genes.