显岗水库是当地重要的饮用水水源.于2008年对南亚热带高产渔业水库——显岗水库的水文、水质和浮游植物的调查,分析了该水库敞水区浮游植物群落的结构与变化特征及其影响因子.显岗水库敞水区的总氮和总磷浓度较高,平均浓度分别为0.83mgL^-1和0.046mgL^-1;叶绿素a浓度的变化范围为11.02~59.34μgL^-1.共检出浮游植物129种(属),隶属7门,其中绿藻占优势,共78种,其次为蓝藻和硅藻,分别为25种和16种;丰水期的浮游植物种类数量较枯水期的高.浮游植物丰度和生物量变化范围分别为0.16×10^8~7.49×10^8cellsL^-1和0.63~5.09mgL^-1,分别在5月、2月出现极大值,10月均具有极小值;丰水期的丰度较枯水期的高,生物量则相反.浮游植物丰度主要由蓝藻贡献,生物量则主要由硅藻贡献.拟柱孢藻Cylindrospermopsis sp.、假鱼腥藻Pseudoanabeana sp.、湖丝藻Limnthriox sp.、微小隐球藻Aphanocapsa delicatissima、针晶蓝纤维藻Dactylococcopsis rhaphidioides是主要的丰度优势种,在全年具有绝对的数量优势.小环藻Cyclotella meneghiniana、肘状针杆藻Synedna ulna、颗粒直链藻Melosira granulata、根管藻Rhizosolenia longiseta、曲壳藻Achnanthes exigua、微小隐球藻、假鱼腥藻、针晶蓝纤维藻是主要或常见的生物量优势种.根据统计分析,总磷、透明度、入库流量和降雨量是影响显岗水库敞水区浮游植物变化的主要非生物环境因子.图2表3参26
The Xiangang Reservoir is an important reservoir for drinking water supply in Guangdong,China.In order to understand seasonal dynamics of pelagic phytoplankton communities in the tropical shallow reservoirs with high fishery yield,phytoplankton,hydrological variables and water quality were investigated in the reservoir in 2008.The reservoir was eutrophic,the annual average concentrations of TN and TP were 0.83 mg L^-1 and 0.046 mg L^-1,respectively,and Chla ranged from 11.02 to 59.34 μg L^-1.A total of 129 phytoplankton species were identifi ed.The species diversity was higher in flood season than in dry season.Chlorophyta was dominant,78 species in total was found,followed by Cyanophyta (25 species) and Bacillariophyta (16 species).The total phytoplankton abundance ranged from 0.16×10^8 to 7.49×10^8 cells L^-1 and the total biomass from 0.63 to 5.09 mg L^-1.The maximal abundance and biomass occurred in May and February,respectively,while the minimal abundance and biomass both in October.In general,the abundance of phytoplankton was higher in flood season than in dry season,but the biomass had an opposite pattern.Cyanophyta was the most dominant group in total abundance and Bacillariophyta was the most one in total biomass.Cylindrospermopsis sp.,Pseudoanabeana sp.,Limnthriox sp.,Aphanocapsa delicatissima and Dactylococcopsis rhaphidioides were the most abundant in distribution,and Cyclotella meneghiniana,Synedna ulna,Melosira granulata,Rhizosolenia longiseta,Achnanthes exigua,Aphanocapsa delicatissima,Pseudoanabeana sp.and Dactylococcopsis rhaphidioide were the most contributers of biomass.Statistically,TP,SD,inflows and precipication played the important roles in the seasonal succession of phytoplankton community in the Xiangang Reservoir.Fig 2,Tab 3,Ref 26