This paper establishes a model of asymmetric new economic geography containing city congestion costs, from the perspective of workers, local government and central government, and analyzes the welfare effects of regional integration. Regional integration can improve overall wel- fare, but the impacts on different economic agents are different. Regional integration can always improve the welfare of migrant workers, but the impact on non-mobile workers depends on their lo- cation. The manner of Local government to integration depends on their preferences of policy objec- tives. If its goal is to "winning promotion tournament", local government prefer market segmenta- tion strategy; while if the goal is maximizing welfare of residents, local government will follow a win-win strategy of integration. Central government must make a trade-off between efficiency and overall regional development disparities. Regional integration can not only increase the overall welfare of society, but also the expansion of regional disparities. The central government should reduce regional disparities through transfer payments.