With the complexity of product technology increasing, the successful technological innovative products need systematic knowledge innovation management. The management of technological innovation is divided into integration innovation mode and network modularity innovation mode. The former manages innovation process through the centralization of organizational power in order to ensure that innovation could meet the needs of target customers. Under network modularity innovation mode, as knowledge inside the modular is tactic, scattered innovation experiments are easy to implement on the premise that design rules are followed, and production outsourcing is more popular. Modular dispersive production not only helps to reduce cost, but also provides higher possibilities of innovation for the system and gives more options to the customers. According to the long tail theory, people used to pay attention to important people or things be- cause of cost and efficiency. When described with normal distribution, the "head" of the curve is em- phasized while the "tail" ignored. Under integration innovation mode, fixed R&D cost is burdened only by the target market, and the law of scale economics dominates, which make enterprises prefer the larger market. Under network modularity innovation mode, decomposability of innovative resources improving, sharable knowledge and combinative modules available, fixed cost apportioned to the whole, and the law of scope economies dominating, enterprises gain profits from the " tail" by gathering enough dispersive segment markets. It studies competitive strategy and efficiency verge of different innovation modes by analyzing Chinese mobile telephone industry. Brand mobile telephone identifies target customers' needs and integrates key factors to create value for customers, but a kind of brand mobile telephone only provides one option. Traditional phone companies primarily operate under integration innovation mode and a lot of customer needs can't be met, which attracts MTK