In order to expedite the evaluation of properties of irradiated materials and the selection of candidate materials for future nuclear energy systems, we developed a specific ion irradiation equipment installed on the Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou (HIRFL) for materials under high temperature and stress. This equipment consists of ion beam scanning and detector system, high temperature load system, stress load system, water cooling system as well as telecommunication and control system. It can supply a wide range of temperature (from room temperature to 1200℃ ) and stress (pull/push from 0 to 1 176 N) simultaneously for materials under ion irradiation. The x-y scanning area with high uniformity is larger than 40 mm×40 mm. This is the first suit of ion irradiation equipment made in China that can be used to study co-operating effects of high temperature and stress in an irradiated material. It has been successfully used several times for materials irradiations under high temperatures and stress, which proved that the new equipment has very good performances in experiments.