运动训练的目的是建立运动水平稳定发挥的项目内稳态(sport-specific homeostasis,SSH)。对于建立SSH,必须处于内稳态的系统称为SSH必需系统(SSH-essential system,SES)。其它可以允许不处于内稳态的系统称为SSH非必需系统(SSH-non-essential system,SNS)。从SSH的角度将运动训练分为超常训练(extraordinary training,ET)和常规训练(ordinary training,OT)两类。ET建立SES内稳态(SES homeostasis,SESH),OT则是在维持SESH的前提下建立和维持SNS内稳态(SNS homeostasis,SNSH)。SESH的品质决定运动水平,SNSH的品质决定运动水平转化为运动成绩的程度。从SSH的角度可以将训练系列描述为训练阶梯:ETI—OT1-ET2-OT2-…OTn—competition(EC),EC1-EC2-…-。OT在消除ET的疲劳之后,进一步提高运动成绩的关键是以赛带练。
Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady state and its steady functions. The homeostasis in sports training was found to be sport-specific so that it is called sport-specific homeostasis (SSH). Athletes' systems might be classified as SSH-essential system (SES) and SSH-non-essential system (SNS). The quality of SES homeostasis (SESH) represents sports capacity. The higher the SESH quality, the higher the sports capacity. The quality of the SNS homeostasis (SNSH) represents the expression of sports capacity. The higher the SNS quality, the more improved the sports performance. Athletes' training might be also classified into two kinds, the extraordinary training (ET) such as DOMS to establish the SESH of higher quality by destroying the former SESH, and the ordinary training (OT) such as tapering, fitness training, psychological training and spirit training to maintain SESH, and to establish and maintain SNSH. The training ladder should be ET1-OT1-ET2-OT2-...-OTn-competition (EC); EC1-EC2-...-. Performance-enhanced competition might be of critical importance after OT induced recovery from ET induced fatigue.