利用虚拟仪器技术建立了基于电化学频率调制技术的腐蚀速度检测系统-Virtual EFM。在实验室应用EFM方法测定Q235碳钢/稀硫酸、Q235碳钢/氯化钠溶液及304不锈钢/稀盐酸等体系的阴阳极Tafel常数和腐蚀电流密度,结果表明:virtual EFM工作可靠、测试结果准确。
An EFM system for corrosion rate test based on electrochemical frequency modulation technique has been established by means of virtual instrument, which consists of a potentiostat, a laptop equipped with a DAQ card and applications developed in LabVIEW. Experiments has been performed in laboratory to determine anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes as well as corrosion current densities for the systems 304 stainless steel/HCl and Q235 steel in H2SO4 and NaCl.It was shown that the EFM system could be used successfully for corrosion rate measurement under various corrosion conditions.