The traditional Laplacian Classifier proposed to classify the datasets is derived from Cauchy-Schwarz divergence(CSD) using Parzen window. The classification rule is expressed in terms of a weighted kernel expansion. The weighting associated with a data point is inversely proportional to the probability density at that point, emphasizing the least probable regions, which makes the classification result of the other regions not so well. Against this problem, we proposed a new classifier to improve it, named the weighted Laplacian classifier (WLC). The classifier uses the weighted Parzen window which is used to estimate the probability density functions (pdf) on the small sample class, and the CSD is used as the cost function to optimal the weight. Besides, the quadratic programming is used as the optimal method to optimal the weight. Then the weighted classifier is designed according to the Laplacian classification rule. The classification cost function measures the angle between class mean vectors in the kernel feature space, the test data is classified to the smaller angle between the two datasets in the feature space. According to the experiment on toy dataset and the real dataset, the final experiment result shows that WLC is better than the Laplacian classifier's on the test datasets, especially on the imbalance datasets.