协同地形编辑系统(Collaboratuve Terrain Editing,CTE)是计算机支持下的协同工作(CSCW)与虚拟地理环境(VGE)相结合的一种典型应用。由于用户的编辑行为具有多样性、动态性、不确定性特征,因而对其表达、组织与传输则成为系统开发的关键。在分析相关研究工作的基础上,基于XML技术针对该问题提出了以构建编辑行为标识码→编辑行为信息描述表→编辑行为信息报文→编辑行为信息链这4个环节组成的完整技术体系,并给出一个典型的应用示例。实践证明,该技术体系简洁高效,对于其他协同应用系统也具有较大的参考价值。
Collaborative Terrain Editing (CTE) is the type application of the combination of CSCW and VGE. For the characteristic of dynamic, multiple and uncertainly, so the organization and transmission of editing behavior is the key factor for the development of CTE. At the base of analyzing the relative research, the new technology approach base XML was presented: constructing behavior code-behavior description table-behavior message-behavior message link. At the same time, an example was given to illustrate the approach. The result show the approach is concise and efficient. The approach has also great mean to the development of other collaborative system.