球囊菌门Glomeromycota是菌物界(Kingdom of Fungi)晚近新增加的一个门,下设1纲4目11科27属约300种丛枝菌根(AM)真菌,均是植物根系重要的共生真菌。同其他真菌分类研究过程相似,随着新种的不断发现、分类技术的进步与研究的深入,AM真菌分类系统及其菌种学名经历着持续不断的变更。然而,这些变动给AM真菌研究者造成了一定的困扰和混乱。本文在AM真菌系统发育分类重建的基础上,结合当前国际上AM真菌分类的最新进展,规范、正确并一致描述全球已知的AM真菌菌种拉丁文和中文学名,以纠正错误和统一AM真菌中文学名;同时标注了中国新记录种、新种和种质资源保藏种名录,以期促进中国AM真菌分类、资源多样性、群落结构及其相关研究。
Glomeromycota is a new phylum which was added in Kingdom of Fungi in 2008. This phylum includes one class, four orders, 11 families, 27 genera, 300 species of arbuscular mycorrhzial(AM) fungi. The species name and classification systems were always under changes with the advances of taxonomic researches, bringing about disorder and trouble in the study of AM fungi. On the basis of latest progress of taxonomy of AM fungi, correct names of AM fungal species are listed, and species recorded in China are noted according to literatures and germplasm resources preserved in the Bank of Glomeromycota in China(BGC). Standardized Chinese names are given for each species.