一、前言 泥河湾盆地自20世纪20年代发现以来,经过国内外考古学者近一个世纪的努力,不仅发现了许多哺乳动物化石,还出土了一大批文化遗存,时代从旧石器时代早期到新石器时代。一系列早更新世遗存的发现与研究,更是引起了学术界的广泛关注。
The Nihewan Basin is an important area to detect the origination and evolution of the early human beings of China. To date, there have been as many as 15 Paleolithic localities of the lower Pleistocene epoch found and reported in this area; eight of them, namely Majuangou, Xiaochangliang, Dachangliang, Banshan, Donggutuo, Feiliang, Huojiadi and Xujiapo, have been reported in detail. In the background of restoring the paleoenvironment, this paper analyzed the lithic production techniques of the early human beings in this area during the lower Pleistocene and identified the three technical levels which represented the different lithic production techniques, cognitive abilities and cultural connotations, and finally elucidated the survival behavior patterns of the early human beings.