According to the synergic effects of green signal countdown and other factors on traffic situation, six road intersections were chosen for investigation, and radar measuring device was employed to collect speed data with time points and over speed data at intersection approaching. Descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance and contingency table methods were applied to analyze the relationship between mean speeds, dispersion, over-speeding rate and green signal countdown device. The results show that not the green signal countdown device but the installation of traffic contravention detection has a significant impact on the mean speed. The drivers prefer to higher speed in the condition that has green signal countdown device and no traf- fic contravention detection. The green signal countdown device will affect the rate of vehicles with over speed greatly. These results indicate that only using green signal countdown device have adversely affect on traffic safety, but mean speed and over speed rate can be held in the case of both green signal countdown device and traffic contravention detection are used at the same time. 8 tabs, 4 figs, 15 refs.