The trip behaviors of residents in Beijing city were taken as study subject, the basic trip data of some regions in 2010 were collected, and correlation analysis was used to choose influence factors which were closely related to the mode choice of resident trip. New utility function was constructed by using the difference value of utility functions of public transit trip mode and car trip mode. The salary, trip purpose, payment mode, trip time ratio and trip cost ratio were taken as influence factors. The trip time ratio of car trip mode and public transit trip mode was divided into 3 conditions such as 1 : 5, 1 : 3 and 1: 1, and the influence of trip cost on trip mode for resident was analyzed. Ayalysis result shows that when trip time ratio is 1 : 5, all the elastic values of car trip mode are less than 0.1, and trip cost adjustment is invalid. When trip time ratio is 1 - 3, the maximum elastic value of car trip mode is 0.39. When trip cost ratio is 25, 40%- 50% residents will still use cars. When trip time ratio is 1 : 1, the maximum elastic value of car trip mode is 0.89. When trip cost ratio is 22, 40%-50% residents will still use cars. If trip time ratio is between 1: 1 and 1: 3, car trip sharing rate is forced down to 30 %, trip cost ratio must be 5 at least. 6 tabs, 3 figs, 21 refs.