露天矿汽车运输是大型露天矿主要运输方式之一,是影响露天矿生产能力和经济效益的关键因素,其事故率和危害性都远高于其他开拓运输方式的露天矿事故。针对露天矿卡车司机缺乏可靠运输信息可能引发车辆碰撞事故,分析了露天矿卡车盲区分布特征及由此造成的露天矿运输安全隐患,通过对可行技术分析和接近预警需求的分析,综合运用三维定位技术、三维车辆构模技术、矿区三维数字地图定制技术、无线网络传输技术,实现了以GE COM API为三维图形引擎的露天矿车辆三维助驾及接近预警系统。通过在某露天煤矿实际应用,验证了此技术的可行性和稳定性,为露天矿安全运输提供了先进的参考技术。
Haul trucks transportation is one of the most important transportation methods in large surface mining operations. It is the key factor that affects the mining productivity and cost effective, however, its accidents rate and the dangers are far higher than other types of developing transportation surface mining accidents. The haul truck blind spots distributions and their resulting safety risks were analyzed. To avoid the haul trucks collisions accidents for the drivers do not have relia- ble transportation information, the 3D digital map customization and 3D trucks modeling technologies were used. A novel Haul trucks 3D assisted driving and proximity warning system based on the GPS, mesh-wireless networks, and the GE COM API 3D graphical engine to advance the mine haul trucks operating safety and provide real-time 3D driver assistance and guide information in surface mining. The research results indicate that it increases reliability and reduces uncertainty for the haul trucks driver in surface mining operations.