"Face" is a traditional Chinese concept, and scholars have called for examination of this concept. Face-sharing is one of the derivative concepts generated by such research. Face-sharing is a phenomenon when a significant other such as father or friend violates a moral rule, an individual may feel the loss of his / her own face. Face-sharing is a very common phenomenon among Chinese people. In Confucian culture, family ethics and negative obligations are two types of moral rules that an individual is obliged to abide by. If an individual violates these types of moral rules, not only may he / she experience an intense feeling of losing face, others related to him / her may also share the feeling of losing their own face. Farmers in China are more inclined to hold traditional Chinese social values. They are more concerned with losing face. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a rural migrant worker in modern China shares face with specific others involved in two particular types of negative moral events: violating family ethics or negative obligations. Six different scenarios designed by the researchers were used to measure the respondents’ face-sharing and face-losing when three different person-in-relations(father, fellow-townsman and friend) violated family ethics or negative obligations. Data(N =1,778) for this study were collected from the six scenarios with rural migrant workers from six different provinces in China. Using a 2(moral events: family ethics, negative obligations) × 3(relationships: father-child, fellow-townsman, fellow-worker) between-subject design, six different scenarios were tested by six different groups. Valid numbers of participants in each group were 299, 296, 297, 298 and 292 respectively. Each participant should read one of the six scenarios first and then answer five questions about how they felt about face-losing and face-sharing. By comparing relationships between "father-child", "fellow-townsman" and "fellow-worker", the stud