运用分解袋法,以闽江河口鳝鱼滩沼泽湿地作为研究样地,研究了本地种芦苇(Phragmites australis)和成草(Cyperusmalaccensis var.bervifolius)以及外来入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)种群枯落物在冬春两季的分解过程,探讨了枯落物性质和潮汐对枯落物分解的影响.研究结果表明:3种植物的枯落物在分解过程中质量逐渐减少,分解速率由快转慢;3种枯落物分解由快到慢依次为成草、互花米草和芦苇;氮(N)绝对量呈波动下降趋势,碳(C)绝对量呈单调下降趋势;C/N与枯落物分解的相关性不强;冬春季潮汐对枯落物分解速率的影响不明显.
Litter decomposition of Phragrnites australis, Cyperus malaccensis and Spartina alterniflora (exotic invasive species) was studied using mesh bags method in winter and spring in the tidal Shanyutan marsh of the Minjiang River Estuary. The influences of litter composition and tidal process were explored on litter decomposition. The results showed that the process of decomposition was quick at first, then followed by the slow decomposition rate. The order of litter decomposition rate was Cyperus malaccensis, Spartina alterniflora and Phragrnites australis. There was a fluctuating downward trend in absolute nitrogen (N), a downward trend in absolute carbon (C). The relationship between the litter decomposition rates and C/N was not significant. The impact of tide on litter decomposition rates was not apparent.