通过对比乌鲁木齐河山区流域8个天山云杉树轮宽度标准化年表的多个特征参数及分析树轮年表对气候的响应,主要得到如下研究结论:(1)在8个树轮宽度年表中,东白杨沟下年表包含的气候信息最多,其次是英雄桥沟年表,再次是跃进桥东年表;(2)乌鲁木齐河山区流域气候对树木年轮生长的影响存在明显的持续性,持续年数大多为3~8 a,最短为2 a;(3)在乌鲁木齐河山区流域低海拔处气候对树木年轮宽度生长的限制作用强于高海拔地区,森林下部林缘年表中含有的气候信息多于森林上树线附近的年表;(4)通过相关函数和相关普查发现,乌鲁木齐河山区流域影响森林上树线树轮宽度年表树轮生长的主要气候限制因子是2~3月的平均温度,而影响森林下部林缘树轮宽度年表树轮生长的主要气候限制因子为5~6月的干旱强度;(5)区域森林上树线树轮宽度年表的年轮指数343 a经历了9个轮宽指数偏高时段和8个偏低时段,反映了2~3月的温度的长期变化。区域森林下部林缘树轮宽度年表的年轮指数365 a来有11个轮宽指数偏高时段和11个偏低时段,揭示了5~6月PDSI的长期变化。
Picca Schrenkiana var Tianshanica were sampled as dendrochronologic cores along with Urumqi river mountainous basin in order to compliment former dendroclimatic research work on this area.This spruce distributed middle-alps cold-temperate-belt around 1 800-2 600 m elevation as dominant species in conifer forest on shadow slop.We collected 382 cores out of 191 trees in 8 sites,measured 357 cores with tree-tree width measuring system "Measure J2X(0.001 mm)".TT and COFECHA programs were used for cross-dating the tree rings to be true calendar years.ARSTAN program was used with 120-year spline detrending as growth trend filter,and then established 8 standard chronologies.The Expressed population signals of these chronologies are all above 84.0%,the highest is 96.2% of east Baiyanggou(DBX).Also,DBX chronology showed the best statistics among the 8 chronologies such as correlation coefficient between trees(r= 0.551),ratio of signal and noise 25.1,Palmer Drought Severity Index in May(r=0.635,p0.0001).The first characteristic vector of 8 standard chronologies were all higher than 31.0%,among which DBX chronology is the highest at 54.1%.The average cross correlation coefficient was 0.545 for 6 chronologies located close to upper treeline of forest.Among the chronologies of tree-tree width located at lower treeline of forest and related temperature and precipitation,7 correlation coefficients of monthly climate factors were above 0.05 significant level,with 4 precipitation factors(prior October:r = 0.292;April:r= 0.464;May:r= 0.297;July:r= 0.304),and 3 temperature factors(April:r=-0.417;May:r =-0.375;June:r=-0.300).The correlation coefficients between the chronologies of tree-tree width located at lower treeline of forest and local Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) indicated that the correlation coefficients during current year were all beyond 0.01 significant level from prior October to current September,in which the highest correlation coefficients appeared in May and June?