水产品的摄入是人体暴露于有机氯农药的主要途径之一.实验检测了采自广东省11个沿海城市水产市场的海鲜类水产品(包括6种虾类、2种蟹类和13种贝类共228个样品)中滴滴涕类农药(包括o,p’-DDT、p,p’-DDT、o,p’-DDD、p,p’-DDD、o,p'-DDE和p,p'-DDE)的残留.结果显示,DDTs在虾类、蟹类和贝类体内的平均湿重含量范围分别为0.8—17.6ng·g^-1、5.1—16.0ng·g^-1和0.6-209.4ng·g^-1.不同水产品之间因生活环境和生活习性的不同,导致其DDTs含量存在较大差别.与我国最新的食品残留标准(GB2763—2005)相比。所检测样品DDTs的含量均未超标.但若以美国环境保护局(USEPA)的标准来衡量,则DDTs含量超标的百分率达27.6%.据最近的膳食结构调查显示,广东省沿海地区的居民每天虾、蟹、贝类水产品的平均消费量为26.0g,因而通过海鲜类水产品每天摄入DDTs的量为2.4ng·kg body weight^-1·day^-1,这一结果远远低于我国设定的每日耐受摄入量(PTDI)和联合国粮农组织及世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)的相关标准.
Consumption of contaminated aquatic products is a major route of human exposure to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In the present study, a total of 228 seafood samples, including six species of shrimps, two species of crabs and thirteen species of shellfish, collected from fishery markets in 11 coastal cities of Guangdong Province, were analyzed for OCPs. The results indicated that the OCP residues were predominated by DDTs (including o, p' -and p, p'-DDT, DDD, and DDE). The mean wet weight-based concentrations of DDTs in shrimps, crahs and shellfish ranged from 0.8-17.6ng·g^-1, 5.1- 16.0ng·g^-1 and 0.6-209.4ng·g^-1, respectively. Significant discrepancy in the DDTs residual levels was apparent among different species, probably due to their different ecological characters such as feeding habits and habitats. DDTs levels in none of the samples were higher than China's newly enacted hygienic criteria (GB2763-2005) set for foodstuff. On the other hand, DDTs levels in 27.6% of the samples exceeded the control limits recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Based on the daily consumption rate of 26.0g obtained in our recent survey, the daily intake of DDTs by residents of the coastal region of Guangdong Province via seafood products consumption was 2.4ng·kg body weight^-1 day^-1, which is much less than the Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake recommended by the Chinese government and the Acceptable Daily Intake established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization.