The relationship of minority carrier lifetime of various silicon wafers with the time stored in dark condition was investigated by using WT-2000 tester. The silicon wafers include the primary wafer, the chemical thinned wafer, the wafer passivated by thermal oxidation, the wafer passivated by SiNx : H film deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and the wafer passivated by io- dine solution. Three types of silicon wafers are B-doped CZ-silicon, B-doped Multicrystalline (MC) sili- con, B-doped upgraded-metallurgical-grade (UMG) silicon. As the results from fifteen types of silicon wafer specimens in total were used. Then the stability of the different surface passivation processes was studied. Finally, it was found that the passivation effect of iodine passivation is better, while the passiva- tion stability of SiNx : H and thermal oxidation passivation is better.