The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of marital status on house-hold choice about risky assets, including the participation choice and allocation choice ofrisky assets and stock, and the joint effect of marital status and gender, income as well aswealth, with Chinese households' investment status survey data in the year 2009 and 2012respectively. Using probit model and tobit model, the empirical study results show that inChina, married women have a higher propensity to invest risky assets and stock and to in-crease the shares of risky assets and stock out of total assets than single women, while thereis no such significant difference between married men and single men. The study also sug-gests that compared to men, women have a higher propensity to invest risky assets. In addi-tion, decision-makers in the middle income or middle wealth family are more likely to beinfluenced by marital status when deciding the participation and allocation in risky assets.