Using the field investigations and further plant specimen identification combined with the previous references, the flora and geographical compositions were studied in the natural con- servation area of Juglans cathayensis, Xinjiang. The results showed that there were 329 plant spe- cies, belonging to 182 genera and 56 families. Among them, ferns included 17 species, 7 genera and 6 families, and gymnosperms included 9 species, 4 genera and 3 families, while angiosperms included 303 species, 171 genera and 47 families. The average density of species was 27.88 spe- cies per km2. There were 14 dominant families, such as Compositae, Rosaceae, Gramineae, and 8 typical families, such as Ranunculaceae, Lequminosae, Boraginaceae. There were 17 dominant genera and 5 typical genera. There was no a single-species family in a real sense, but there were 6 monotypic genera in this area. One genus and 14 species were endemic to China and 9 species were endemic to Xinjiang. The geographical composition mainly belonged to temperate type with 299 areal-types of species, belonging to 140 genera and 14 families, which (not including the widely distributed type) accounted for 60.87%, 94.59% and 96.78% of all the families, genera and species, respectively. Plants in this reserve have obvious temperate nature, which have close affinity with Central Asia and Mediterranean, but not too much with tropic and East Asia.