长期以来,水稻钻蛀性螟虫都是我国水稻上的重要害虫。近年来,随着水稻栽培制度的变更及全球性气候的变化,种群数量逐渐回升,为害日趋严重。因此,科学的调查方法和准确的预测预报,对该类害虫的综合治理具有重要意义。本文根据大螟Sesamia inferens(Walker)、二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)和三化螟Scirpophaga incertulas(Walker)的生物学特性,总结了这3种水稻钻蛀性螟虫的田间调查方法;阐述了它们的发生期预测方法;探讨了在调查取样过程中的注意事项,以期为我国水稻钻蛀性螟虫的综合防治提供可靠的数据支撑。
For a long time, the rice stem borers are main insect pest in rice. With the change of rice cultivation and climate change, the populations of the rice stem borers increase gradually, which damage the rice yield more and more seriously in recent years. Therefore, it’s very meaningful for the integrated management of the rice stem borers to investigate the dynamics scientifically and forecast accurately their trends. According to biological characteristics of Sesamia inferens (Walker), Chilo suppressalis (Walker), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), the surveying methods of these borers in the field were summarized. And three forecasting methods of occurrence stage were demonstrated. Moreover, some attentions during the survey were discussed. In conclusion, these methods and technologies will provide a strong foundation for the integrated management of the rice stem borers.