近年来,疏散性能评估已成为客车车厢设施布局及设计流程中的必要环节.考虑狭长通道下障碍物特性对人员疏散影响显著,引入感知域概念,刻画疏散人员翻越座椅等行为决策特性;进一步引入一类多值函数扩充元胞状态集合,量化障碍物的可翻越特性,建立障碍物模型,模拟紧急状态下人员无序疏散行为;为对模型结果验证分析,建立基本模型,构建其与Any Logic均可模拟的基本场景,在此场景下对二者模拟结果交叉验证.模拟分析结果及结论是,移动规则合理有效,结合障碍物模型并考虑可翻越障碍物影响的模拟结果是可信的;发现NkO-tkevac曲线与此情形下的疏散动画具有一定的时空关联性,可为车体设计提供进一步参考;此外,随疏散人员感知域的增大,疏散时间逐渐减小.
In recent years, evacuation performance evaluation taking into account of different facility layout has become a necessary procedure of the passenger carriage design. Considering that obstacle effects will influence tram evacuation significantly in a long and narrow aisle, this paper introduces the concept of perception area to describe an area which influences the decision making process of an evacuee to decide his next step. Further, we assign those chairs and some other low obstacle characteristics representing their availability for evacuees to simulate evacuation under a.disordered and uncontrolled condition. To verify the simulation results, a fundamental model (M1) is established and a circumstance is configured that can be simulated by both AnyLogic and M1. Simulation results indicate that two models above make resemble results. The curve No^k - t^k_gvac can reflect pedestrian behaviors in this situation in details, based on which we can optimize and revise the carriage design. With the increasing of perception area, the evacuation time becomes smaller, meaning the perception area do provide helpful information for evacuees.