According to the analysis of the passenger evacuation process when a train stops in metro rail tunnels under emergency situations such as a fire,the evacuation efficiency through the longitudinal evacuation plat-form and transverse connecting passage evacuation to a safe area is affected by the capacity of train doors and transverse connecting passage.Thus the tunnel evacuation space was divided into different zones to construct an evacuation network from each train door to the transverse connecting passages.With given number of pas-sengers to be evacuated from each zone,and with minimum evacuation time as the obj ective function,the pas-senger assignment model for the constructed evacuation network was built.With reasonable assigning of pas-sengers in different zones onto different evacuation routes, an efficient passenger evacuation process was a-chieved.Finally,when the connecting passage spacing was 150 m,and the width of longitudinal evacuation platform between the tunnel and the train was set to be 0.6 m,0.8 m and 1.0 m respectively in different simu-lations,the passenger assignment model was used to assign passenger flow to different evacuation routes, while a commercial software,Anylogic was used to calculate and verify the evacuation time.Results showed great improvement of the evacuation efficiency with the assignment model.