This study aimed to understand the community structure, floristic compositions and species diversity characteristics of 4 different types of Sphagnum wetlands (Sphagnum magellanicum, Pllostachys heteroelada, Palhinhaea cernua, and Juncus effuses) in Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve and their relationship with environmental factors of soil layer and litter layer, based on information gathered from field survey, with the help of principal component analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). The investigation showed 44 species, affiliating to 41 genera in 28 families in the wetlands. The species composition was different among the 4 types of Sphagnum wetlands, but their distribution of families, genus and species was quite even. Analysis on the flora area revealed the primary components as Pantropic and North Temperate geographical elements at the generic level. The PCA results showed that the sampling sites in the same type of Sphagnum wetlands clumped with some of them disperse. The relationship between communities and environmental factors in 4 different kinds of Sphagnum wetlands was clearly shown by the PCA ordination diagram. The RDA result suggested that the main factors affecting the community composition in Sphagnum wetlands of Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve were soil bulk density, woody layer coverage, soil natural water holding capacity and litter layer maximal water holding rate, which can be the minimal combination to explain the species diversity change. It was concluded that the different community composition of four types of Sphagnum wetlands was caused by the environmental factors, which was mainly forced by the water characteristics.