In the Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve, forest gaps of Tsuga longibracteata W. C. Cheng pure forests and T. longibracteata + broad-leaved mixed forests were selected to analyze gap micro-environment of endangered plant T. longibracteata forests. The results showed as follows. The illuminance and air temperature in different sizes of forest gaps of T. longibracteata forests were arranged in the following way : T. longibracteata pure forests 〉 T. longibracteata + broad-leaved mixed forests, center of gap 〉 expanded gap 〉 non-gap, but the average air humidity displayed the opposite trend. There was heterogeneity in changes of soil temperature and humidity in different forest gaps. The micro-environmental factors in T. longibracteata pure forests changed more significantly than those in T. longibracteata + broad-leaved mixed forests, and the greater the forest gap, the more significantly the change. The diurnal variation of average illuminance in the gaps was normal distribution curve with the highest at noon. The diurnal variation of average air and soil temperature in the gaps was single peak convex curve, but the air and soil humidity presented the opposite trend. It was concluded that the gap micro-environmental factors changed with the forest stand types, size, location and time of T. longibracteata forests gaps. The bigger the gap size, the more illuminance and higher air temperature, the greater the air and soil temperature and humidity changed. In improving micro-climate of forest gap, T. longibracteata + broad-leaved mixed forests were better than T. longibracteata pure forests.