目的利用三维重建软件进行颌面部骨性结构与血管快速重建探讨其对口腔颌面外科临床的指导意义。方法对2例志愿者和2名颌面部骨折患者行多层螺旋CT头颅血管造影扫描,层厚0.6 mm,将Dicom格式数据导入Mimics 10.01和3D-Doctor4.0,对颌面部骨性结构及其周围血管进行快速重建三维模型。结果重建的三维模型能清楚显示颌面部骨性结构及其周围血管的详尽立体解剖形态,所得重建图像逼真,可观察任意剖面并且多角度变换,显示其空间位置关系和定量测量分析。重建过程简单,无须专业三维重建人员进行操作,且结果可以导入CAD软件,进行快速成模。结论利用三维软件进行颌面骨性结构及其周围血管快速重建能为颌面部的手术设计与实施,提供了快速可靠的形态学依据。
Objective To evaluate significance of fast reconstruction of bones and blood vessels in maxillofacial region on maxillofacial region operation.Methods 2 health volunteers and 2 patients suffered from maxillofiacial fracture performed CT scan with the thickness of 0.6 mm,followed by 3D reconstruction after transforming the CT data(Dicom data) into Mimics 10.01 and 3D-Doctor4.0.Results This method demonstrated clearly the 3D complex anatomy of bones and blood vessels in maxillofacial region,especially the distribution of blood vessels.By altering the viewing axis,the structures can be viewed and analyzed,using the drawing and deleting way,while,the location and motion condition of structures were showed clearly.Conclusions The 3D-models are useful for surgical design and perform of maxillofacial region operation.