Waste ceramic blocks are processed into artificial aggregate which are used for preparing concrete, that is, waste ceramic aggregate concrete. There are 13 groups of concrete, such as 1 group of control concrete, 12 groups of waste ceramic aggregate concrete in which natural coarse aggregate, natural fine aggregate, and both natural coarse aggregate and fine aggregate are replaced by waste ceramic aggre- gate respectively. The percentages of replacement are 30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 100 %. Carried out concrete shrink- age tests, and some results are obtained. Firstly, the shrinkage deformation laws of waste ceramic aggre- gate concrete and control concrete are similar. Secondly, the shrinkage performance of waste ceramic ag- gregate concrete is as good as or better than that of ordinary concrete. Thirdly, with the percentage of re- placement of natural aggregate with waste ceramic aggregate gonging up, concrete shrinkage rates show declining trend. Finally, speaking of shrinkage, it is feasible for waste ceramic aggregate to replace natural aggregate in concrete, partially or completely.