对小麦族赖草属、冰草属、偃麦草属、澳冰草属、拟鹅观草属、新麦草属和大麦属7个属24个物种的酯酶同工酶和超氧化歧化酶同工酶进行比较分析。结果表明:①7个属24个物种共出现24种不同的同工酶酶谱,电泳分离出迁移率不同的45条酶带;②Leymus chinensis与Leymus其他13个种的亲缘关系较远,与Hordeum bogdanii的亲缘关系较近,Psathyrostachys juncea与Leymus的亲缘关系很近;③相似染色体组的物种聚类在一起;④2种同工酶的分析结果与细胞学、形态学及分子标记的研究结果基本一致。
The esterase isozyme (EST) and superoxide isozyme (SOD) of 24 species of Leymus, Australopyrum , Agropyron , Lophopyrum , Pseudoroegneria , Psath yrostach ys and Hordeum in triticeae were analyzed by using polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique. The results show as follows: ①All the 24 species have significant isozymes polymorphism, with a total of 45 bands separated; ②The relationship between L. chinensis and the other 13 species of Leymus is remote, while it is close to Hordeum bogdanii. Psathyrostachys juncea and the species of Leymus have closer relatlonship; ③The species of those that contain similar genomes are clustered together;④The results of isozyme analysis are basically consistent with those obtained from studies on cytology and morphology.