The integration of teaching and research is a common feature of the research universities. But the pattern to achieve the integration may be dif-ferent for various universities. Since the local cultural tradition and local industry structure may deeply influence the role of university in local devel-opment, this paper based on the analysis of typical British and American uni-versities, mainly explores the impact of local cultural environment on the dominant function of different universities, which will lead to different main standpoints for the integration of teaching and research. It holds that the u-niversity should get funding and infrastructure support from local environ-ment, and also should provide services, such as human capital and knowledge innovation. Thus, the university’s dominant function is closely related to lo-cal cultural and economic environment, and the integration of teaching and re-search may be realized through different paths. For instance, the University of Oxford has been putting emphasis on cultivating elites, which is deeply in-fluenced by British traditional culture. Harvard University has made splendid contribution to basic research, which is also deeply related to its cultural heritage of seek truth. As for Stanford University, which holds the practical education concept, has achieved the integration of teaching and research through its participation in local industry development. On the whole, re-search universities should promote deep integration of teaching and research, which is the foundation of cultural transmission and knowledge innovation. However, for each university, it is of importance to explore its unique path to promote the integration of teaching and research adapt to its local cultur-al environment.