Coral bleaches occurs once losing its symbiotic dinoflagellates or photosynthetic pigments. The responses of three corals from different families to three different levels of temperature (26℃, 31℃, 34℃) were studied taking the concentration and proportion changes of normal and abnormal zooxanthellae inside and outside the reef corals and the areal zooxanthellae population density as parameters. The results showed that the concentration and proportion of the zooxanthellae remained stable and the normal zooxan- thellae were dominant under no (26℃) or less (31℃) temperature stress; whereas the abnormal zooxan- thellae became dominant and dissociative zooxanthellae increased under severe (34℃) stress, and all of the three reef corals became bleached within 48h. The reef corals and their symbiotic dinoflagellates are both in a relative stable symbiont. When mass dinoflagellates dissociate under temperature stress, the corals will be bleached and die.