Reclamation can bring enormous social and economic benefits, but also have serious damage to coastal ecological environment. Under the present system, especially in developing countries, enterprises and government always carry out reclamation projects for huge economic interests and ignore ecological damage. Assessing the extent of eco logical damage resulting from reclamation is conducive to the sustainable development and management of coastal re sources. Contingent valuation method (CVM) can estimate the total economic value of the use value and nonuse val ue, which is widely used on environment public goods valuation. Using of elicitation method of payment card and sin glebounded dichotomous choice simultaneously, this paper survey the local people' s willingness to pay to restore eco logical environment from reclamation in Jiaozhou Bay, and use the total population in 2011 and the reclamation scale from 1922 to 2010 in Jiaozhou Bay to calculate the total ecological damage value and the ecological cost of unit recla mation. The research results show that based on singlebounded dichotomous choice, people would pay 591.29 Yuan per year for the ecological damage of Jiaozhou Bay reclamation. The total ecological damage value is 1. 976 billion Yuan per year, and the ecological cost of unit reclamation is 10.2 Yuan/( m2·a). Based on payment card, people' s willing to pay is 247.53 Yuan per year. The total ecological damage value is 0. 822 billion Yuan per year. And the ecological cost of unit reclamation is 4.25 Yuan/(m2 · a). In addition, the analysis of influence factors shows thatthe income and level of education to the results of this study, policy of respondents has a significant positive effect on WTP. According makers have been provided with more detailed information for cost- benefit analysis and ecological compensation of reclamation